Ready, get set...

Learn how to get and stay fit and healthy, without hating every moment of your exercise routine. There is a way, and it’s written in your DNA.


Editor's Choice

Welcome Report

by Athletigen

This starter report gives you amazing in-depth insights into your DNA on key aspects of your health and wellbeing, and is a great place to commence your journey towards improving your life, health, and wellness based on your unique DNA.

Man running up hill on green grass against a blue sky

Your best race performance is yet to come

Editor's Choice

Athletic Report

by Athletigen

Learn how your muscles, hormones, psychology, recovery time, and sleep patterns affect your athletic performance and get expert recommendations into how to improve your capabilities, with simple lifestyle changes. 

Editor's Choice


by Athletigen

Learn how your heritage influences your dietary requirements, and the nutrition you need to keep your body nourished and energized. 

Two friends jogging together at sunset
Editor's Choice

DNA Gene Fitness

by Xcode

Find a fitness regimen with real impact that leaves you feeling energized instead of exhausted. Get better results from your training than ever by adapting your workouts to your genes. 

Vector art white acorn on a green background

DNA Genotyping

by Lumminary

DNA Wellness Report

by Athletigen

Discover the cause of any health risks you may have experienced directly or through close family, and learn how to make lifestyle adjustments that will help improve your health and wellbeing. 

Editor's Choice

DNA Nutrition Report

by Athletigen

Take the guesswork out of picking the right diet by learning how your DNA influences your body's response to over 40 nutrients, from Vitamin A to minerals, saturated fats, and sugars. 

Editor's Choice

Optimum Movement and Recovery

by Athletigen & Mobility WOD

We teamed up with the MobilityWOD experts to create a personalized analysis of key risk areas for injury, and we combine DNA analysis with suggestions for better ways to move, recover, and rest. 

Weight loss map with pins

HomeDNA™ Healthy Weight is a science-based weight-management test & program that provides diet and exercise strategies tailored to your DNA.

Athletic woman climbing a mountain on a rope
Editor's Choice


by dnaPower

Find the exercise right for you! The most comprehensive fitness report available. Work with your body instead of against it. Learn where you are genetically strong and weak to help you maintain a healthy body and reach your goals more quickly.

Editor's Choice

ALTIS Sport Performance Report

by Athletigen & ALTIS

Get personalised athletic advice based on your DNA from Dan Pfaff, Altis head coach who trained athletes that won multiple gold medals at the Olympics and World Championships.