Welcome to the Age of Genomics
At Lumminary, we’re building the largest consumer genomics store in the world, powered by a secure, privacy-driven platform for genetic data storage and processing. We believe in a future where everyone can easily sequence their genome and make informed choices about their health, fitness, nutrition, and more.

Our team
We're on a mission to make life simpler, healthier and more pleasant - for everyone.
We're a curious, passionate and dynamic team of experts in the field of genomics - scientists, engineers, genetic counselors, entrepreneurs, and designers with a shared purpose... To help humanity lead better, happier lives.
Our core values
These are some of the values we live by, as a company. We’re building products we believe in, designed with everyone in mind, knowing there is real value to be gained from helping people answer the right questions and unlock their true potential.
We know the future is built today, by doers. We believe that humanity is plural and united we thrive. We discovered that sometimes work is indistinguishable from play and change could start with a drop of saliva. We think the impossible is inevitable and we’re just getting started.
At a glance...
We are based
in London
Get in touch
Team of 30
rapidly expanding
+60 genomic
Go to store
Growing ecosystem
of partners
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