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What to do with your 23andMe or Ancestry raw DNA data to get additional analysis

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7 reasons why your DNA should only be stored in the DNA Vault

Pictogram of scientists researching DNA strand in glass capsule on dark background
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Is skipping breakfast a good idea? How your genes may hold the answer

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Green tea is good for you, here’s how

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How to Download Your DNA Data from 23andMe. DNA Data Belongs to you and only you

Pictogram of a mechanical arm picking up a pair of chromosomes from a pile of colourful chromosomes & 23andMe logo in upper right corner on dark background
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Sciatica Exercises: Stretches for Pain Relief

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Discover what makes us tick

Pictogram of an astronaut in space suit looking at DNA strand surrounded by stars
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All you need to know about ancestry testing and 15 DNA ancestry tests reviewed

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Why is avocado a superfood

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Turmeric is gold. Here's all the scientific backing you need to know about

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