7 reasons why your DNA should only be stored in the DNA Vault

By Lumminary Team

Pictogram of scientists researching DNA strand in glass capsule on dark background
What is the DNA Vault?
7 reasons to add your data to the DNA Vault
Your DNA stays anonymous, encrypted, and private
Who is Lumminary?
Our core values and what drives us at Lumminary
1. You stay anonymous (like a DNA secret agent)
2. Best in the business encryption for your DNA & personal information
3. Did we mention it’s free?
4. Privacy and protection
5. Bring all your data in one place
6. Delete your data at your convenience
7. Certified to hold genetic data

Maybe you took a 23andMe or Ancestry test, maybe you just wanted your DNA sequenced but at the end of the day… you have some genetic data and you’re wondering where to put it.

Your work laptop won’t do, your email is always connected to the internet, your cloud drive folders have been shared with tons of people over time, so where should your most private data go to?

Once it’s out there, your DNA can’t be changed. It’s not your password or your hair color. It stays with you for life and you only get one of it.

So you can’t just keep it on any old hard drive. You need to keep your genetic data somewhere you’ll know it will be perfectly safe, but where you can also easily access it to get new genetic tests done.

Quite the pickle, ain’t it? Well, it was until now, because we’ve finally released THE solution to this problem: DNA Vault.

What is the DNA Vault?

The DNA Vault is a completely free, highly secure cloud storage service meant for genetic data. It keeps your DNA data perfectly safe, anonymous, encrypted, and private. It’s also free no matter the size of your data files, making DNA Vault the only genetic storage service you'll ever need. Handy, right?

The DNA Vault works on the Lumminary platform, which supports all genetic data formats. We know because we built it ourselves (go figure ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). Your data can come from 23andMe, Ancestry.com or any other genetic test provider; and the file you upload can also be in any format: FASTQ, FASTA, BAM, SAM, VCF, etc.

7 reasons to add your data to the DNA Vault

1. You stay anonymous (like a DNA secret agent)

We keep your identity completely anonymous when you use the DNA Vault to access genetic tests. We create an incognito profile for you which is used to access your apps and your personal information is replaced with a digital identity that cannot be tracked back to you.

This means you can order that DNA allergy test or whatever else you want, without having to worry about any of the information getting "out there" or being tied back to you.

2. Best in the business encryption for your DNA & personal information

Your data is encrypted the moment it leaves your computer, travels on encrypted communication channels, and stays encrypted when it is stored in the DNA Vault. What’s more, we anonymize, and access control your data permanently to keep it safer than ever.

3. Did we mention it’s free?

The DNA Vault keeps your data safe and private for free. We strongly believe everyone should have the right to protect their genetic data and their privacy without having to worry about a monthly bill.

You can add any number of data files and genomes so even if you're a researcher, you can store your entire list of genomes in the DNA Vault and it will be instantly available and highly secure. It's our way of making a contribution to research and the science community.

4. Privacy and protection

There are several layers of security we use to ensure your peace of mind. Your DNA and personal data are anonymized, and app partners only receive the specific genes they need to analyze.

This information is sent to them on an encrypted communication channel, so it is always safe, even when traveling across the internet or between our networks. No one, except you can access your genetic information, unless you give them access.

5. Bring all your data in one place

If you've done multiple DNA tests in the past (or as you’re doing them and get more data), you can upload your genetic data from all these different sources (23andMe, Ancestry.com etc.) and we will merge it, so you have access to all of it, as one genome, in one place, the DNA Vault.

6. Delete your data at your convenience

You can both remove your data from the DNA Vault, and delete your Lumminary account whenever you want, no questions asked. Your DNA data is completely under your control.

7. Certified to hold genetic data

1) Our platform is HIPAA compliant and our secure data centers have ISO 27001, 27017, 27018 certifications.

2) Your Genetic data files travel 100% across secure HTTPS communication channels.

3) All payment processing is powered by a certified PCI level 1 service provider.

Your DNA stays anonymous, encrypted, and private

We store your data, but you will always be its owner and have full control over it. What’s more, whenever you purchase other genetic tests via the Lumminary Store, we ensure any of those apps and services you use only have access to the specific genes they need for analysis.

This is important because instead of every app getting your full genome and identity, we only share very small snippets of data, that can’t be used to recreate your DNA or to link back to your identity, if you choose to be anonymous. It’s an easy way to ensure not only the privacy of your data, but also your own comfort and security.

In the DNA Vault, your data is also carefully access controlled, always anonymized and encrypted. We use multiple security protocols and procedures to ensure that no third party can access your data in any way without your permission, and that any attempt to do so will be prevented and identified.

Who is Lumminary?

Lumminary is the world’s largest DNA app store for consumer genomics. It is powered by a unique genetic data platform that manages all stages from data collection and storage, to processing, encryption, and anonymizing. It’s designed to ensure absolute privacy for every user, making it an end-to-end genetic data platform.

On the Lumminary DNA app store, you can use your existing DNA data (from services such as 23andme, Ancestry and other third-parties from which you can download the data), to get countless new reports and scientific insights on your health, fitness, nutrition, and ancestry. Once your data is securely stored on the platform, all new insights can be obtained instantly, whereas if these were acquired through other DNA testing companies, you would have had to wait 6-10 weeks for your results, as well as pay $80+ extra for resequencing.

In the age of genomics, our privacy-driven platform for genetic data storage and processing is the place where everyone can use their genome to make informed choices about their health, fitness, nutrition, and so much more.

Our core values and what drives us at Lumminary

We know there is real value to be gained from helping people answer the right questions and unlock their true potential. Our mission is to make life healthier and happier for everyone. In this field, change could start with a drop of saliva, which is why we strive to make DNA testing and genomics available worldwide.

Frequently Asked Question

The DNA Vault is a completely free, highly secure cloud storage service meant for genetic data. It keeps your DNA data perfectly safe, anonymous, encrypted, and private. It’s also free no matter the size of your data files, making DNA Vault the only genetic storage service you'll ever need. Handy, right?

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