Advantages of Uploading your 23andMe Data into the Lumminary DNA Vault

By Lumminary Team

Pictogram of pairs of chromosomes lifted by colourful balloons
The purpose of the DNA Vault
Raw DNA data that can be stored in the Vault
Step by step guide to upload your genetic data to the DNA Vault
How can the DNA Vault be a FREE service
Privacy and Security

The DNA Vault keeps your data safe and private for free. No strings attached, no surprises, no fine print. We believe everyone should have the right to protect their genetic data and their privacy, without owing anyone anything.

For instance, some of the DNA providers allow for raw data upload from 23andMe Promethease and Others, however, feel that they should not allow these uploads, without necessarily offering an official position on the topic – the case of Ancestry.

The purpose of the DNA Vault

The DNA Vault is an on-demand repository for genetic data that is aggregated to serve the needs of the user. If you have done one or multiple DNA tests in the past, you can upload the genetic data from all these different sources (23andMe, etc.) and we will merge it so you have access to all of it, as one genome, in one place.

Raw DNA data that can be stored in the Vault

The Lumminary platform supports all genetic data formats. Your data can be from 23andMe, or come in any other format: FASTQ, FASTA, BAM, SAM, VCF etc

This can include:

Your DNA;

DNA of a person for whom you are a legal guardian;

DNA of a person who has granted you specific authorization to upload their DNA to the

Lumminary DNA Vault;

Step by step guide to upload your genetic data to the DNA Vault

Step 1: go to

Step 2: select DNA Vault from the homepage upper menu


Step 4: sign up to create your Lumminary account

Step 5: fill in the personal details required in the form and click Continue

Step 6: select the DNA service you want to import raw data from. If you already have a genetic data file, you can upload it to the DNA Vault in this step (Click Upload from your device)

Step 7: once the file is uploaded, you can close the page and return to your Lumminary My Account section. In the My DNA files tab you will be able to see how the service is processing your recently uploaded data.

To make it even easier, we have created a video to help you upload your data from 23andMe into the DNA Vault:

How can the DNA Vault be a FREE service

We want to make genetic testing as easy as possible for everyone. A free service like the DNA Vault makes it possible to access hundreds of new insights instantly without sharing your data with tens of providers and without waiting weeks for re-sequencing. It gives you power over your own data, it keeps you safe and anonymous when you buy genetic tests.

Simply put: when a provider accesses data that the user has granted access to in our platform, the Provider will be paying a fee to Lumminary. In this manner, we can afford to keep the storage service free for the user and also to minimize the costs of genetic sequencing – the user does not have to pay for sequencing every time he/she decides to access a new DNA application.

For researchers, we simply want to make an impact in the science community. We intend to support the advancement of science in an ethical manner, giving a platform to individual genetics specialists who can help speed up projects, research, and the development of new ways to understand DNA.

Privacy and Security

It is your decision whether to provide your real name for registration and data upload, or to enter an alias.

Your DNA and personal data are anonymized, and app partners only receive the specific genes they need to analyze, never your full genome or identity. You are always completely incognito when you use the DNA Vault and the Lumminary App Store.

Your data is encrypted the moment it leaves your computer, travels on encrypted communication channels, and stays encrypted when it is stored in the DNA Vault.

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