DNA Nutrition Report

DNA Nutrition Report

Take the guesswork out of picking the right diet by learning how your DNA influences your body's response to over 40 nutrients, from Vitamin A to minerals, saturated fats, and sugars. 

Your Price: $69

The perfect mix of yummy and healthy? Yes, please! 

Healthy eating is so important to great quality of life, but conventional wisdom on it changes every year. Fortunately, there is a way to know exactly how your body responds to nutrients: it's all in your DNA. Say goodbye to guesswork, and hello to healthy, tasty everyday meals. 


Nutrients are used by your body in different ways and your diet can influence how quickly or well your body recovers after exercise or strain. We look into all these processes to give you the insights you need to make the best decisions for your body type. 


The analysis of your body's response to nutrients will be accompanied by a set of easy to follow recommendations based on your inclinations and sensitivities - whether it is to stay away from coffee, or to improve your intake of a certain vitamin, we've got you covered. 


Having the right vitamin balance in your body is essential to feeling energized. But to keep the right balance, vitamins need to be consumed both in appropriate amounts, and as part of the right foods, so your body can process them accordingly. That's why we look into not only the type of vitamins you need, but we also suggest the best ways to get them according to your unique DNA. 


Minerals are essential to healthy bones and teeth, muscle development, and even to neural processes. That's why the report includes insights and recommendations on your body's response to minerals, including calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, electrolytes like sodium, and potassium, and the trace minerals like copper and iron.


Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are all macronutrients. Knowing whether your metabolism is prone to craving one more than the other is essential to developing good eating habits, that will leave you feeling both healthy and content.


Whether they're difficult to digest or may even provoke an allergic reaction, some items are better left off the menu. An analysis of sensitivities will help you discover what foods to exclude from your diet.

Put your existing DNA data to work.
When you order a product you can chose to upload or read your DNA.

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Veritas Logo
FamilyTreeDNA Logo
MyHeritage Logo

How it works

Get ready to access latest in DNA discovery in just 3 simple steps.

Vector art two delivery men carrying large box

A little parcel in the mail!

We’ll send you our DNA collection kit, with super simple instructions for collecting a saliva sample.

Vector art spit in test tube

Hit return... (swoosh!)

Once your sample is collected, just mail the kit right back to us. It’s easy, safe, and free!

Vector art check list

Done. Yay!

We will sequence your sample and upload your data in the DNA Vault, so you can access DNA apps instantly!

About Athletigen

Athletigen is a sports genetics company with a mission to educate and empower the community with their personal genetic information. Like any elite sports team, the team at Athletigen is motivated by success. They're innovators, their diverse backgrounds and varied experience help them bring fresh ideas to the table daily. They're united by their core commitment to helping every person understand how they are Made for More.

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