DNA Gene Health

DNA Gene Health

Take charge of your health today. Your genes may predispose you to one/more of these four concealed hitmen!

Your Price: $19

Know if your genes increase your risk of heart attacks, diabetes and high blood pressure

Family history is not destiny. Genetics allows you to uncover risk factors of preventable disease way ahead of time so that individuals can take preventive action to reduce the risk and lead a worry-free life.


Individuals suffering from type-2 diabetes mellitus have an inability to use the insulin produced in the body. The gene TCF7L2 is strongest known genetic risk factor for type-2 diabetes. According to research, most of Type 2 Diabetes is preventable. Type 2 diabetes is largely due to excess body weight and a sedentary life-style. Hence genetic testing is an excellent way to prevent it from manifesting.


Obesity is the accumulation of excessive fat and has been associated with several conditions. The FTO gene leads the way as a genetic risk marker, with 42% Caucasians, 5% Africans and 21% Asians harbouring the risk variant of FTO. Improper eating habits, lack of physical exercise, excessive screen time, irregular sleeping habits along with your genetic makeup are the most common obesity-promoting factors.


Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) or simply heart diseases are a group of disorders that affect the heart and blood vessels. CVDs are the number one cause of death globally and more people die from CVDs than from any other cause. The most important behavioural risk factors for CVDs are an unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, tobacco use and excessive alcohol intake. About 85% of the general population carries the variant of the MTHFR that is associated with higher blood homocysteine which is an independent risk factor for CVDs.


Hypertension is a condition in which the blood vessels have a persistently raised blood pressure. Hypertension is often called the “silent killer” since most people with hypertension do not show any symptoms. The ACE gene that encodes the ACE enzyme which plays a role in regulating blood pressure has a risk variant that predisposes its carriers to hypertension. 50% Africans and Caucasians and 40% Asians are said to have the risk allele.

How will genetic testing help me?

All the four diseases have a strong genetic link, are dormant and can be prevented if detected early. According to WHO, 80% of premature heart disease, stroke, and diabetes are preventable. A genetic test will help you know if you have inherited the risky gene variants. Increased monitoring, proactive lifestyle choices can significantly reduce this risk. Understanding your genetic profile helps you, your family and your physician adopt the best preventive and proactive health practices that can greatly reduce the risks and improve your quality of life. There are three probable results:

Average Genetic Risk

You do not have an exceptional propensity to the disease. Your risk is the same as that of the baseline risk.

Moderately High Genetic Risk

You are more prone to the disease than the general population. Consult your physician as to the necessary steps to be taken such as dietary measures and lifestyle choices.

High Genetic Risk

You harbor a higher than average genetic risk. Its recommended that you speak to your doctor or specialists such as an endocrinologist or a cardiologist who will help you take the necessary precaution and guide you with risk reduction strategies.


Xcode does not provide any direct medical advice to individuals and the reports are to be interpreted only by qualified medical/healthcare professionals.Genetic information must always be considered in conjunction with other information about your health such as lifestyle, family history, biomedical data, nutrition, physical activity etc.Genetic information is subject to revision based on latest advances in scientific research.Genetic interpretations are based on the results of population studies and observations at the population level may not always be observable at an individual level due to individual factors

Genetic information is generated by a wide variety of scientific studies. Hundreds of scientific publications are published every year documenting genetic studies on a variety of conditions. Our scientific team selects those publications that match our quality criteria and organizes this information in a systematic way in the form of reports. Your genetic raw data is processed through our AI and Machine learning systems and matched with our databases to produce your Nutrition, Health, Fitness and other reports.

Put your existing DNA data to work.
When you order a product you can chose to upload or read your DNA.

23andMe Logo
Ancestry Logo
Veritas Logo
FamilyTreeDNA Logo
MyHeritage Logo

How it works

Get ready to access latest in DNA discovery in just 3 simple steps.

Vector art two delivery men carrying large box

A little parcel in the mail!

We’ll send you our DNA collection kit, with super simple instructions for collecting a saliva sample.

Vector art spit in test tube

Hit return... (swoosh!)

Once your sample is collected, just mail the kit right back to us. It’s easy, safe, and free!

Vector art check list

Done. Yay!

We will sequence your sample and upload your data in the DNA Vault, so you can access DNA apps instantly!

About Xcode

Xcode is a pioneer in personal genomics, specializing in preventative healthcare. They are dedicated to empowering physicians, wellness professionals and individuals with the most validated actionable genomic information, to positively impact health and improve the quality of life.

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