
Topic Replies Activity
About the Health category 1 1 July 2018
What do we know about the genetic side of autism? 2 15 May 2019
Why is it that antibiotics will "cure" your cold//flu even in the absence of a bacterial infection? Or at least make it go faster or easier 1 31 January 2019
What do you know about saliva, other than you can extract DNA from it? 1 30 January 2019
What is known already about the link between depression and genetics? 2 15 January 2019
How far is the future of genomics solutions for health? 1 21 November 2018
Does Borderline Personality Disorder have a strong genetic component? 2 31 October 2018
Is there any link between genetic/biology and headaches? 2 22 October 2018
Why didn't we come up with a cure for cancer yet?!? 3 5 October 2018
Does HIV/AIDS have a cure yet? 1 28 September 2018
What are some truly horrible diseases and can you get genetically tested for them? 1 28 September 2018
I would like to have a discussion about ageing. Anything from biology to societal stigma 1 18 September 2018
I just read that book about habits of highly effective people, and was wondering what are some of the habits of very healthy people? 1 20 August 2018
What's the maximum age for a woman to have a baby? 2 15 August 2018
Are depression and anxiety genetically inherited? 1 10 August 2018
Why do certain people look so much younger than their age? 3 6 August 2018
Genetics is unfair. Some people barely exercise, eat junk food all day, and don't take care of their skin and they still maintain a thin body with clear skin 2 8 August 2018
Is cancer genetic? 2 1 August 2018
Is height genetic? 2 31 July 2018
If you live with a medical condition or disease, are there misconceptions about that condition or disease that people often have that you would like to correct? If so, what are they? 2 28 July 2018
Do you suffer from a rare disease or medical condition? If so, can you share what it’s like to live with it? 2 27 July 2018
Can some people be immune to poison ivy? 3 27 July 2018
Can vaccines cause autism? 2 27 July 2018
Are allergies an indication of poor health? 2 25 July 2018
Bad diet & good exercise vs. Good diet & no exercise 7 24 July 2018
Is lactose intolerance a dominant or a recessive gene? 2 23 July 2018
Why don’t doctors prescribe a low carb diet routinely to patients with diabetes? 2 22 July 2018
What is it like to find out your child has Down Syndrome, whether it is during pregnancy or after birth? If this happened to you, who told you the news, and what was your initial reaction? 2 22 July 2018
What is an interesting illness/disease? 2 20 July 2018
What Are The Most Weird Genetic Diseases In The World? 2 18 July 2018