If you’re diagnosed with diabetes would that mean that I would have to go on a low carb diet?
Why don’t doctors prescribe a low carb diet routinely to patients with diabetes?
Diabetes management varies so much and it’s important to work with the doctors to plan the best course of action. The low carbohydrate diet was known for many years to be the correct diet for both diabetics and for weight loss. If you are overweight work with your doctor to reduce your body fat to a healthy level which may have a positive impact on the insulin resistance component of T2DM. For Type 1 Diabetics, carbohydrate moderation is always part of their control plan. Their pancreas’ is not able to produce enough insulin for what the body needs. This means they must supplement this by injecting insulin. The amount also depends on their diet. Excessive carbs means injecting more insulin, while a diet based on less carbs lower might mean less insulin.
Some believe that the low fat, high carbohydrate diets that so many doctors and nutritionists and governments believe to be healthy still persist. New research suggests that weight gain and blood sugar problems are caused by too much insulin and cortisol in the body, or an inability for the body to utilise insulin, and are recommending low carbohydrate diets both for diabetics to control their disease and for weight loss. Bottom line is I think it is much healthier to eat unprocessed foods, to avoid sugar and avoid artificial sweeteners, eat mostly vegetables, little protein, no trans or artificially hydrogenated fats, little fruit and few grains (if any).