Help me choose my Sequencing product

What’s the difference between the 3 DNA Collection Kits?

You can get 3 types of sequencing (DNA reading) on the  Lumminary platform. It’s important to know what each of them can offer you, so you make an informed decision when deciding to get started.

Your DNA is a code made up of 6 billion individual letters called nucleotides. The exact sequence of nucleotides in your DNA defines every characteristic you have. From your height & weight, to the colour of your eyes, to how quickly you age and even to your choice in partners.

Whole Exome Sequencing +

An exome sequencing reads 1% of your genome, picks the “best” parts of your DNA and gives you valuable insights about your body. Using this information, apps in our  marketplace can give you insights on lifestyle changes that help you live healthier and feel better in your own skin, or conditions that can be prevented so you stay healthier for longer.

For every Whole Exome Sequence, we perform a base-by-base reading of the genome, not just once, but 50 times.

This 50x (fold) factor means that we look at each nucleotide 50 times to make sure we identified it correctly and gives you one of the highest degrees of DNA data accuracy in the industry.

Whole Genome Sequencing

A Whole Genome Sequence reads all 6 billion individual letters (nucleotides) one by one and gives you a complete view of how your body works.

Whole Genome Sequencing is the only method that reads your entire DNA, end to end.

With any other sequence, 99% of your genetic data is not considered. DNA apps that analyze parts outside of the exome will only work when paired with a Whole Genome Sequence.

For every Whole Genome Sequence, we perform a base-by-base reading of the genome, not just once, but 15 times. This 15x (fold) multiplication means that we read each nucleotide approx. 15 times in order to be sure that we have read it correctly.

Whole Genome Sequencing +

The difference between a Whole Genome Sequence (WGS) and a Whole Genome Sequence Plus (WGS+), is that for the WGS+ we perform a base-by-base reading of the genome 30 times instead of 15. This 30x (fold) multiplication means that we read each nucleotide approx. 30 times in order to be sure that we have read it correctly.

With both WGS and WGS+ give you a crystal clear image of your genetic make-up.

Bonus: What’s the difference between WES, WGS and genotyping?

Genotyping technology is what companies like 23andMe and use to sequence DNA. Genotyping looks at a very small percentage of your DNA (approx. 0.1%), takes specific parts and puts them together, instead of going through all of your genetic material (that’s a huge volume of information).

How genotyping works: about 2 to 13 nucleotides are repeated multiple times on the DNA strand and this short portion is tested in “Short tandem repeat” or STR analysis.

The genes are similar to recipes that are passed on from parents to their children. Many times, the passing on is not perfect and there are minor errors in the copying process. These minor errors are called variations or mutations. While some mutations cause harmful diseases, many others are neutral and give rise to the variations in each individual.          

When a neutral mutation is passed through generations and is prevalent in groups of population, it is known as “single nucleotide polymorphism” or SNP. Out of 3 billion base pairs, 10 million come from SNPs. Genetic testing basically involves looking for and comparing these SNPs between groups of people to provide educated guesses on ancestral origins.

Instead of looking at all of the 3 billion base pairs, the faster technology lets scientists look at short sequences of DNA on these SNPs.