My 23andme Report Says I Am 32.2% Ashkenazi, Yet I Know Of No Recent Blood Relatives That Are Ashkenazi. Can 23andme Be Wrong About This?

I know for a fact that I don’t have any Ashkenazi Jews as ancestors, as I have good knowledge about my ancestry. However, when I took a DNA test from 23andMe, the results where surprising, as they said, I have Ashkenazi genes. Is it possible that the company made a mistake when analyzing my data?

Well, there is always a chance that for every company conducting DNA testing to make mistakes. However, according to personal experience and the online reviews, they are quite accurate about their analysis. Also, I would like to point out that they are spot on, when it comes to identifying Ashkenazi ancestry, due to their large customer base. Another reason why it is easy to identify Ashkenazi Jews is because their genes are distinct.

Let’s say that the company did make a mistake, due to which your results are not accurate. In this situation, you have to wait for a while, until the company goes through their DNA samples and reanalyzes them. I am not sure how often they do this, but I have heard that they take a year. If my assumption is correct, then they will fix the problem and let you know.

Rather than chalking it up as a mistake, you should go to a specific part of the settings, known as “Countries of Ancestry.” In this option, there is an advanced setting, where you can tell the company that your parents have self-declared themselves as Jews. If the chart has blue than any other color, there is a high chance that you have Jewish ancestors that you may have never met in your life.

Even though it says that you have more than 30% Ashkenazi in your genes, it is possible that one of your ancestors converted. Another possible explanation is that your ancestors are Ashkenazi, but they didn’t inform anyone. Due to the accuracy of the tests, I would recommend that you discuss this with your parents. There is a chance that someone didn’t want the truth to come out, due to the repercussions he/she had to go through in the past. Instead of letting this slid, you should get to the bottom of the truth. Continue to find out more about your ancestors by talking to your relatives. If you feel like you are missing out, you can always get in touch with your relatives, who are on the site. I would recommend getting in touch with any relative who has the highest match, as he/she might have the right answers.

The other possible explanation is that you were adopted by your parents, which can explain the disparity in your genes. Again, if you are sure that you are not adopted, then this situation doesn’t apply to you.